Getting Married in Queensland, Australia?
FAQs About How to Get Married in Queensland

Getting married in Queensland is only possible after meeting the Births, Deaths and Marriage Queensland pre-requisites. Do you have a question
about how to get married in Queensland? Let us know and we’ll list it here!
Getting Married in Queensland, Australia – Australian Weddings for Foreigners
Q. My wife to be and I are from overseas, can we be legally married in Australia? She does not speak or understand English.
A. Yes, you can be legally married in Australia. You will need to show your Brisbane Marriage Celebrant proof of your identification (passport, birth certificate). You will need an accredited English interpreter to interpret at your Brisbane wedding ceremony and for the signing of the legal documents. Interpreters do charge a fee, which is paid by the couple marrying. We can arrange the interpreter for you at your cost.
Q. What is the most important thing to look for in an Australian Celebrant?
A. It is important to look for a professional Celebrant who is Authorised by the Government to perform Marriage. It is imperative that you look for a person who you feel comfortable with. The ceremony can be a little unnerving for some people so it is good to have a Celebrant who will make you feel relaxed and who understands your wishes for your Ceremony.
Q. I would like to marry my fiancée in three weeks time. Is this possible?
A. Unfortunately no, unless you have already signed The Notice of Intended Marriage form within 18 months and at least 31 days prior to your proposed date of marriage you cannot be legally married in Australia. There are some exceptions where a Registrar of the Court may give you a shortening of time for the Notice of Intended Marriage, but this is not a common occurrence.
Q. How do I contact Births, Deaths and Marriages in Queensland?
A: Birth, deaths and marriages, QLD
Address: 110 George Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Postal address
PO Box 15188
City East QLD 4002
Office hours: 8.30am – 4.30pm AEST
Phone: 1300 366 430 (local call charge within Australia, mobiles charged at applicable rates)
International callers: +617 3247 5811
Email: [email protected]
Getting Married in Queensland – FAQs About Your Ceremony
Q. Can I write my own vows for my wedding ceremony?
A. Yes, you definitely can. There are legal words which must be included in the vows, the rest is up to you to decide on. Your Brisbane Civil Celebrant can assist you with the wording of your vows.
Q. I wish to remarry and do not have a copy of my divorce. Where can I get one?
A. The Divorce Order which you require can be applied for at The Family Court of Australia if you were married in this country and in the capital city where the divorce occurred.
Q. I have children from a previous marriage. Are they allowed to sign my Wedding Certificate?
A. You will need two witnesses over 18 for the legal documents. If your children are over 18 years, they may witness the certificates.
Q. Can I be married on a week day?
A. Yes you can.
Q. Can I be married at any time of the day or night?
A. Yes you can, as long as your Celebrant agrees to your time and place.
Q. Can I legally marry my cousin?
A. Yes you can.
Q. Is there any difference in price between a simple ceremony and a longer ceremony?
A. No, as most of the work that the celebrant does is in the preparation of your ceremony, e.g. meetings, phone calls, legal paperwork, travel to and from your ceremony site, practice etc. etc. There is also a great responsibility and duty of care in being a Celebrant to marry the couple according to law and see that all legal paperwork is correct and immaculately presented.
Q. Can Queensland Marriage Celebrants perform other ceremonies, such as Baby Namings, Commitment Ceremonies , Renewal of Vows and Funerals?
A. Yes if they wish to.
Q. How can I change my name after marriage?
A. See section on Legal Requirements for Marriage. It is not compulsory to change your name after marriage.
Is a Commitment Ceremony a formal occasion?
You can plan your Brisbane Commitment Ceremony to be as formal or informal as you like – from a five star Brisbane City reception room to a budget backyard BBQ, we will help you create an atmosphere that makes your guests feel at home. Usually, Commitment Ceremonies take place on a Friday or Saturday afternoon and are followed by a party however they may be held at any time.
How is a Same Sex Commitment Ceremony different to a Same Sex Marriage (Gay Marriage)?
Gay and Lesbian, GLBTI Commitment Ceremony Brisbane It is not currently permitted for celebrants to declare gay and lesbian couples husbands and wives and it is currently illegal to conduct a same sex marriage in Queensland.
When should you have a Vow Renewal Ceremony?
You can renew your vows at any time but most couples choose a particular stage in their lives:
- As part of an important anniversary celebration
- Every ten years
- After the birth of a child or grandchild
- Around a life changing event such as retirement As a renewed commitment after a difficult life period
- When you realise just how in love you still are!
What happens at a Vow Renewal Ceremony?
Anything you request, it’s a celebration of your relationship – so we’ll celebrate in your style! I can help you with ideas, create a custom written ceremony exclusively about you or I can simply present the ideas you already have, whatever you choose, we’ll make it a truly special and memorable occasion.
In a typical Vow Renewal Ceremony, there will be a Marriage Vow Renewal reading or two (often by children or life long friends – email me for unique Vow Renewal Readings), a confirmation of your original vows, and a declaration that you will continue to be each other’s one and only spouse or life partner.
Is a Vow Renewal Ceremony just for married couples?
A Vow Renewal Ceremony can be for married couples but is also for gay and lesbian couples wishing to renew the vows they undertook at their Commitment Ceremony.
How is a Vow Renewal Ceremony different to a Wedding?
When planning a Vow Renewal Ceremony you can plan it to be just as formal as a wedding or as informal as you like with many couples choosing the intimacy of the family home as their preferred venue. Usually a Vow Renewal Ceremony takes place on a Friday or Saturday evening and is followed by a party or dinner however dawn, dusk or lunch time ceremonies can be arranged. For legal reasons, we can’t use the exact wording from your original Wedding Ceremony but my custom written ceremony will help you to create a unique, memorable and personal event to commemorate your loving, ongoing commitment.
How old should your baby be for her Baby Naming Ceremony?
Usually Baby Naming Ceremonies happen between six weeks and one year but any age is OK. Many parents have a combined Baby Naming Ceremony and 1st birthday.
What happens at a Baby Naming Ceremony?
Anything you request, it’s all about your baby’s story. I can help you with personalised ideas or I can present the ideas you already have – either way I guarantee a memorable day. In a typical Baby Naming Ceremony, there will be a Baby Naming Day reading or two, an undertaking by the parent or parents and and godparents/mentors if you are having them and a formal naming of your child.
As a professional writer, I specialise in creating unique Baby Naming ceremonies and rituals so every baby’s Naming Day is unique and exactly as you want it to be.
Do I need to buy a Baby Naming Ceremony Gift?
Your baby will receive a lot of gifts at her ceremony but most parents or grandparents like to buy something special as a keepsake of the day.
How are Baby Naming Ceremonies Different to Christenings?
A Christening is a religious naming ceremony that takes place during a Baptism. Where a Christening includes the parents and God parents, a Baby Naming Ceremony allows all your family and friends to feel a part of your baby’s life and if you choose, everyone present may have some small role in the ceremony. Although I can help you with a blessing if you would like one, the ceremony is a secular event.
Should my Baby Naming Ceremony be fun or formal?
It can be as formal or informal as you like. Usually, a Baby Naming Ceremony takes place on a Saturday or Sunday morning with morning tea or lunch (or bubbles!).
As it is a community event, family and friends may like to pitch in and help by preparing food, drinks and decorations for the day (so your baby naming ceremony can be done on any budget). Baby Naming Ceremonies help friends and family feel part of your baby’s life, definitely worth celebrating!