Archives for March 2017

Sign Here and Here, Wait 31 Days, Kiss and Go – You’re Married!

Some couples who book Cherish Ceremonies to be their wedding celebrant want the full formal, traditional or elaborate wedding, while others, for many reasons prefer the idea of doing what’s legally required and moving on as a happily married couple. So if you are after the simplicity and affordability of a “Kiss and Go” type wedding this is what’s required.


Firstly you have to get a “Notice of Intended Marriage” or “NOIM” form signed with your celebrant. To complete this form your marriage celebrant will need to see your original birth certificate or passport and a form of photo ID like a drivers license. If you have been previously married, then you will also need to show the court document confirming dissolution. If you have changed your name, you need evidence of this. You can also complete the statutory declaration of no legal impediment when you sign your “NOIM”. Don’t worry your celebrant will have all the documents and how to complete them and will complete the necessary legal paperwork for you. You just have to sign in the appropriate locations to make it all official.

Then you wait…….. 31 days and then you can be married. YAY!

On your “wedding day”, you meet with your celebrant and 2 witnesses (over 18 years old – can be anyone at all) at any location within Australia. A “Kiss & Go” wedding is usually performed at the celebrant’s home or office. Then the legally required words must be said.

The celebrant must say:

I am duly authorised by law to solemnize marriages according to law.

Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn/serious and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.

Marriage according to law in Australia, is the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.”


Both the bride and the groom must say the legal vow line. You can add more too this line if you like, however, the minimum legally required words are:

“I call upon the people here present to witness that I [legal first name, and middle name &/or surname], take you [legal first name, and middle name &/or surname], to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband.”

and then the celebrant must “declare you married” or “declare you husband & wife”.

After these legally required words are spoken by each of the parties, we need to sign the legal paperwork. For this we need the bridegroom, the bride, the two witnesses (anyone who is over 18 years old and who witnessed the words spoken and signatures of the bride and groom) and the celebrant. So their are three documents at this stage that need to be signed by all 5 people:

  1. The Marriage Register (Big red book that belongs to the celebrant with all of their weddings in it)
  2.  The Official Certificate of Marriage (form that gets submitted by the celebrant to Births, Deaths & Marriages)
  3. The Certificate of Marriage (pretty certificate that the couple get to keep on the day of the wedding)

Once the above documents have been signed and witnessed you are married! It really is that quick and easy! If you decide to have the kiss and go style wedding you will find the signing of the documents takes longer than the actual wedding. This option is a fantastic idea for anyone who wants to take all of the stress and additional expense away from getting married in Australia. Imagine how much money you would save by not having an expensive formal gown, multiple bouquets of flowers, a wedding cake, fancy transport to the wedding, an expensive venue hire cost, bonbonniere, DJ/ musician, MC and reception.

If you would like to arrange a minimum legally required wedding in the style of “Kiss and Go” in South East Queensland, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Logan or surrounding areas, then give us at Cherish Ceremonies a call, text, email or whatever suits you and we can make this easy wedding happen for you and your fiance. In just 31 days and with no fuss and just the celebrant costs to pay, you will have arranged the cheapest, easiest wedding you can have!

Contact Us

[email protected]

Phone: 07 38073025 or 0403582667

Cherish Ceremonies

Creating Memories to Cherish Forever!