Hooray, you’re getting married. Congratulations!
This is a guide to create your own personal wedding vows.
In Australia there is a legal vow line which must be spoken in your vows.
It is:- I call upon the persons here present to witness that I (two names) take you (two names) to be my lawfully wedded wife/husband/spouse.
We usually advise couples to say the legal vow line first up and then continue with their more heartfelt pledges to one another.
Apart from the legal line, you may commit to your partner with your own words, or words which have been provided by your celebrant. Here at Cherish Ceremonies, we have a wealth of material which you may use to create your vows. Sometimes, couples find that what they would like to say to their fiancée has already been written or they mix and match words from vows that we provide. This method is quite acceptable and can be personalised quite easily.
If you choose to write your own vows, bear in mind that the vows are primarily a promise to your partner of your continued love.
Questions you could ask yourself might be:-

1.Why is it important that you take your relationship to the next level of marriage?
2. What do you value about your partnership?
3. What drew you together and what shared values do you think will keep you together?
4. Words like love, commitment, teamwork, respect, communication, may be important to you as a couple.
5. Don’t forget you may want to mention the fun and happiness that enriches your relationship.
6. Remember the aspects you have in common and the things that make you individuals that you respect in your partner.
7. It is fine to make a joke as long as it is not disparaging to your loved one in any way.
Speaking your vows
You’ve gone to the trouble of writing something personal for your partner. Now it’s important to deliver these lines to the best of your ability.
At Cherish Ceremonies we offer two methods to perform your vows.
If they are more than a few lines long, we advise you not to repeat after us. This can be laborious and boring if you want your pledges to sound great.
We can hand you our book, landscape style with your vows printed for you. It is a good idea to have the vows finalised a while before the wedding, so you can practice them and be very familiar with them on your big day.
You definitely do not need to learn them by heart. It can be the most emotional part of your ceremony, so having those words printed in front of you can be a lifesaver on your wedding day. Remember it is fine to take your time with your special words and to show some emotion. Your friends and family will appreciate your love for one another, and probably join in if you have some tears to shed.
Your celebrant or members of your bridal party will have some tissues on hand!
Don’t be embarrassed, your love for one another will move mountains and inspire your friends and family.
Remember, your Celebrant has witnessed many marriages, therefore will be on hand to help with your vows should you need an expert opinion.
Love from Cherish Ceremonies
Lynette and Tamzin.

Phone Lynette 07 3807 3025
Tamzin 0403 582 667
or email us on: [email protected]